Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A little frightening news from the cardiologist

The hole in Arielle's heart has not changed, however one of the valves is showing signs of stress-- (there is now some leakage from there, also.)

They said is is very important that she gain weight, (she's 21-1/2 lbs.; she's so tiny, she's off the chart, compared to other kids her age), and that we need to let her eat anything she wants, just to gain weight. Even if it's chocolate cake; let her eat as much as she wants, because if she can gain weight, it will help her body to close the hole. He again said that we need to keep a close watch on any signs of difficulty breathing or her skin turning grey. If the hole isn't getting smaller by her next visit (which will be in 4 months instead of the usual 6 months), they will start planning surgery. The doctor is still amazed that she is as active as she is with no signs of trouble! So of course, we were hoping she was getting better. Amanda and Ed's insurance isn't very good; her doctor visits are about $150 a visit, so I can't imagine what the surgery will cost, which is a stress they don't need on top of worrying about how she will physically deal with the procedure. We just don't want her to have to go through it!

So, anyone who reads this, please remember to keep Arielle in your prayers. She needs all the support she can get! Thank you!


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